The book is Redeeming Love, by Francine Rivers. It is a retelling of the book of Hosea set in more modern times - the gold rush era. That in itself appeals to me - I think I would have been very happy living in those days. I always had an affinity to Laura Ingals Wilder, too. But Redeeming Love is no Little House on the Prairie!
Angel, the main character, is a prostitute. While we have never shared that profession, I did very much relate to her character.... and the character of her heart, her fierce independence and her stubborn pride.
I also found hope in the way that true, Godly love - truly God's love - can begin to change a person. I have seen the way He has chipped away at the wall surrounding my heart. For sure, I am a work in progress, but I am thrilled to know that God ain't done with me yet!
Thank you friend, for bringing this book to the forefront of my mind.... it's on the top of the reading list (again)....
no thank YOU for placing that book in my life! love you!
That is my very favorite book in the world. I believe Francine Rivers is really anointed. It allowed me to see God's continuous love for me in a very real way. I've read it 3 times. :)
that book has been on my shelf, knowing that there will be a time i can deal with reading it... maybe now?
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