Friday night I was able to attend a "Dress Rehearsal" for Mosaic. This diverse group of friends have joined to form a musical group that supports each others individual musical styles, but WOW! Together, they are awesome!
As I sat in this very casual environment, with a child on my lap and a child beside me, I just listened.
Anyone who knows me, knows that music is a very powerful way that God speaks to me. Melodies, rhythms, lyrics... And, as I sat there, there was a song that hit me.
It's title, Repentence.
As they sang each line, it touched me deeper and deeper. It's one of those songs that will find itself on "repeat" for a long while. We'll see how long it takes me to really sing along.
For me, song and prayer are very similar... especially such songs as this that get sung from the depths of my heart.
This song is an open invitation for God to humble me, and shine His light "where sin lies in the dark". It is also a song of gratitude.
I feel like a toddler, wanting to run out and experience all that is before him, yet clinging tightly with one arm to his mother's leg. I'm not sure I'm ready to sing this prayer in its entirety. I can join them for a line or two, but then I run back as my voice cracks.
I know that God hears prayers, and when He answers directly life is never the same. While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, it is a change, and I've got to muster some courage before I run out and lay myself out on His altar.
They are heading out of our neck of the woods for a summer of touring. If you have
opportunity to see them, I highly recommend it! You will be blessed!
Music and Lyrics by Molly Lockwood
Humble me, expose the depths of my heart
Shine Your Light where sin hides in the dark.
Set me free, I long to boast in the power of the Cross
But if You choose to leave this thorn, I'll need Your grace to carry on
And the world will see that in my weakness, You are strong.
You have not dealt according to my sin
You have not dealt according to my sin
You have dealt according to Your Mercy
You have dealt according to Your Mercy
God of grace
Thank You, Lord
It's an honor to be worked on by Your hands
To know You love me and choose to use me as I am
All I can bring are these confessions, Made in pure humility
And it's here in Your forgiveness that I'm set free
Free to fall on grace and not my ability
Free to fall on grace and not my ability
Let Your cross have its perfect work in me