Friday, August 30, 2024


 Not gonna lie.  This month has been hard.

My routine has changed.  My kids' routines have changed.

It's growth, and it's change (albeit, in the right direction).  

But it's undeniably hard.

It's been hard to figure out the new path of my fitness journey.  It's been hard to watch and support my kids' transitions into independent adulthood. (And to know when to speak up vs keep my nose out!). It's been hard to maintain work-life balance as the work:life ratio changes.

There have certainly been gifts in the midst - there always are if we search for them:  People.  Places.  Routines. Traditions.  Mysteries.  Miracles.  Promises.  Peace.  Hope.  Joy.  Laughter.  Tears.  Breath. 

There have also been opportunities to reinforce or refine some healthy habits that I've developed over the past year. But man, oh, man.  How easy it is to slip back into some of the not-so-healthy ones!

So I pause and I pray:  for them and for me.  For strength and for resiliency.  For joy and for rest.  For discernment and for clarity.  But mostly for His will.  Amen and amen. 

#change #patentingadults #myselfincluded #growth #faith #donteatyourfeelings #breathe #keepgoing #inshallah #kyrieeleison