Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Friendship Garden

I was wandering through the yard, on one of the wonderfully warm early spring days we've had lately. I checked on the sprouting spinach, the hosta, the rose of sharon. Finally, I arrived at the clematis.

I'd learned after she died, that clematis was one of my friend Karen's favorite flowers. It was one of the first flowers I planted in my new yard, that hadn't moved with me from my previous house. I have been moving bits and pieces of previous gardens with me for decades now. From the womb-house to the married-house, from the married-house to this house. Many of the plants that move with me originated at my mother's house (where I grew up), or her mother - my grandmother-'s house.

I brought with me hosta, and irises, and unusually colored violets. Daffodils, from the womb-house, and off-shoots of a bridal wreath spirea - a wedding gift from a dear friend who now lives in Oregon. My friend just a little west of here gave me some cute little "bee balm" - which, in the full sun of my yard, are much taller than those in her shaded lot. Tall or short, the hummingbirds love them, and they remind me of her.

I love to walk through the yard and remember where the plants have been, and to whom they have attributed meaning. My younger sister loves irises - at least she did - and they remind me now of her. My daughter has claimed the newly planted peonies as her favorite. Up until recently, I'd have said "daisies" for me, but having seen the smiling faces of the (mammoth) sunflower as they dance in the breeze, I'd have to vote differently now.

But standing, looking at the sprouting leaves and the flower buds already bursting forth on the clematis trellis, I had an idea.... I will plant a Friendship Garden. To the best of my ability - those who share their favorite flowers will be represented. It will take time, but with any project of the heart - seen to completion - it will be beautiful!

(feel free to add your favorites in the comments!) Those pictured about are the little bee balm...


JoAnn said...

You're truly my sister. Hands in the dirt, gently planting gifts from God. My fav's are peonies too!!! Girly girls think alike! I agree with A. Hibiscus, and iris. Sarayu. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I always have said daffodils are my favorite. Then there are morning glories. Those are my favorite too. Roses, Iris, Cat Tails, Bleeding Heart....those are my favorites too. LOL.

Anonymous said...


kristin said...

I haven't commented in a while, but your musings are truly a blessing - a spiritual gift in the midst of busy days.

Anyway, my favorite flowers are too many to list. I especially love self-seeding wildflowers.

An incomplete list includes lupine, purple coneflowers, lavendar, sunflowers, beebalm and my grandmother's favorite - lilies of the valley.

Thank you, Linda, for your blog!