Tuesday, March 24, 2009

And now.... The work begins....

Spring is here... officially. Both the calendar and my yard bear witness to that! YES!! The violets are blooming like crazy (and so are the dandelions!) and the grass is a lush, lush green! (in the front anyway!)

I have had the privilege to take some time and sit the past few days. It is amazing to me how that restores me. To just sit and listen to the birds at the feeder, feel the breeze in my hair and the sun on my face. Absolutely delightful! This, I love.

I find myself moving throughout my yard, checking the "growth status" on the various plants and trees that live there. The violets, as I mentioned, are in full bloom - the ones that line the front porch, anyhow. Those scattered throughout the lawn and in the shaded areas are still poking their leaves up. The maple in the back is beginning to bud, while the one to the side of the house has it's red "flowers" out. The petals of the neighbors' Bradford pears fall like confetti in the wind. The bridal wreath spirea is fully leaved, with some flower "wreaths" beginning to form. The pansies have resuscitated nicely, and the Rose of Sharon plants I transplanted last fall have signs of life as well. Thank You, God!

The harshness of winter has passed, but, as spring comes, so does some work. Most of it is enjoyable - at least to begin with - and it all has a purpose! It encourages life and beautifies my yard in the process. Both of those calm my soul and settle my spirit.

As spring turns to summer, I am sure I will not be as enthusiastic about mowing the grass as I was recently! But, as summer appears, I become more and more grateful for my neighbor. (I'll share that story tomorrow!!)

As it is in my yard, so it is in my life. The long dark nights and harshness of the days, the period of apparent nothingness changes. It warms and softens, and new life springs forth...year after year...again and again.

I trust that the work that gets done in my life brings results similar to those in my yard. It took time and effort to push-mow my front yard, but looking at the results.... beautiful!!... and well worth the trouble!

(OH, and I SO hope I am not being prophetic with the title!!)

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