Wednesday, March 18, 2009

God in my life

Sometimes I feel like young Cole in the movie, "Sixth Sense". He sees dead people.... everywhere.

I see God.... everywhere. Especially this time of year. Between the daffodils and the Bradford pears in full-bloom, and the warming spring breeze that enters my kitchen window to breathe life into my home, there is no denying it!.

It is palpable. It is real. He is real. He is active... literally life-changing! Life is springing forth again, just as it should. Buds are beginning to burst on trees and the grass is returning to a lush green. Baby birds and baby rabbits will soon be commonplace in my yard.

Everywhere I look, there is evidence of Him. This is good... very, very good. Especially this week!

May the presence of God surround you. May you see him acting mightily on your behalf. May you know that He walks before you. May you feel His hand on your shoulder, and the full embrace of His love.

May he who has ears, let him hear...

Listen... Look! See! There is no better....

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