Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Faces of Divorce

Through the years, and especially within the past 6 months or so, I have met more and more divorced women. Some have been divorced for years, others more recently. Some have young children, others, grown children.

Many of these women struggle to make ends meet. Some routinely require the assistance of the court to receive child support. Many move - sometimes quickly - some stay in their marital homes. Some are at peace with the dissolution of their marriage, others struggle with the feelings of loss and grief.

The reasons for divorce vary, but the outcomes are essentially the same. Life has been dramatically changed. It's hard - no matter how 'good' it is. There is a process to walk through. There needs to be time for "grieving the wish" of the marriage, and healing of a broken heart. It was in that process that my faith was enriched. It was then that the true "God-connect" was established.

One of my friends likens single mothers and children of divorce to the "widows and orphans" of this time. Many truly are. Some are fortunate to have continued support in parenting. Some struggle with the balance between the two.

As I meet more and more women of divorce, I am reminded how blessed I am. My house, my neighborhood, my "village", my ex. It has not always been easy, but I have been truly loved and supported throughout the process. It has strengthened my faith, and renewed my hope.

In all this time, I have never had a need go unmet.

Thank You, God...

1 comment:

Pam said...

Amen. Me neither.