I believe in the power of service. I have found nothing else that has the ability to get me out of my Self. Becoming available to another human being, being willing to step out of my own situation and into theirs, no matter how briefly, can be life changing. It nudges me out of my comfort zone, and distracts me from the troubles I tend to focus on.
I was challenged by one of my teachers years ago. It was a period of time when I was feeling especially sorry for myself. Life was a daily pity party. Poor, poor me. She encouraged me to search for ways to be of service to others. (I thought she was nuts... I had enough going on, why burst into someone else's problems as well?)
I started out having to pray for willingness to serve. Once willingness came, I needed the courage to be able to ask "how can I help?" (and DO IT!). I quickly learned that even half-hearted prayers requesting opportunities to serve were answered abundantly! Before I knew it, everywhere I turned, there was yet another opportunity.
Service has changed my life. (I encourage you to try it!) It doesn't have to be the type of service people tend to recognize - service in the grand sense: Serving our country, or participation in a mission trip. So often, we fail to recognize the equally important acts of service that can occur in our every day lives - at home, at school, at the store.
An elderly woman needs help lifting the case of water out of her grocery cart. A young woman pushing a stroller and carrying an infant on her hip needs help opening a door. Chairs need to be set up, or taken down. Teachers need construction paper sorted. Simply put, people need to experience grace in their lives.
Today, service is a part of my daily life - both formally and informally. I enjoy both, but honestly, I delight in the opportunities that pop up unexpectedly. The moments where I can step out and lend a hand, lighten someone's load, provide a smile or a courtesy - a small portion of grace. These unexpected moments I treasure. It is in these moments when I truly realize how blessed I am, and how grace extended to another returns to me ten-fold.
Monday, September 8, 2008
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Thank you to Marla from Pak Adventures for giving me some Blog Love. I'd like to pass on the lovin' so read on... (and I'm going to try and not list people I've already given awards to - I'm fair like that.)
LINDA - You're on my list.
Now.. the rules are....
1.The winner puts logo on her/his blog.
2.Link the person you received your award from.
3.Nominate 7 other blogs.
4.Put links of those blogs on yours.
5.Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve chosen.
Kristin - I appreciate your kind words.
I'll have to find some more blogs to follow so I have 7... :)
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