Monday, October 5, 2009

A Million Points of Gratitude....

Sunday was one of those days... a GOOD day, but not without it's issues...

For myself, it was actually pretty uneventful - save a moment or two of being convicted during the morning's worship service. The kids had a playdate - each with a friend over - which allowed me some less-interrupted time to do a few things to prepare myself for a busy week ahead.

For others, there were more acute issues: losses of independence, losses of jobs....

Yet, in the midst of it all, there were a million moments of gratitude. I do believe that God will work all things together for good. There will be strength and renewed spirits, and opportunity after opportunity for Gods grace and power to prevail.

I believe that in each circumstance God's hand is in the midst. I watch in awe and amazement at the way prayers pour forth... and I wait, expectantly, knowing they will be answered in His perfect timing.

They always have been for me...

I have not always been patient in waiting, but He has always been faithful.

My gratitude list goes on and on and on....

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