Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Ebb and The Flow...

It's funny to me how life has it's seasons. I'm sure I'll never understand the why's or how comes. I'm just barely learning to go with it.

I'm sure there were times this summer when I sort of whined and complained that the overtime I was hoping for didn't seem to be available. I had plans... things I needed to do... and for that, I needed some cash. But... nothing. No nursing. No massage. It was a time of "just enough".

Now, opportunities abound - at the hospital, at the Y, and in massage. Not only do doors keep opening with work opportunities, but some of my anticipated expenses are disappearing. It's a little surreal, and honestly, I wonder if there is a huge expense just around the bend for which He is preparing me.

Then I was nervous and prayerful...clinging to the knowledge that Thus Far, our needs had always been met. Now, I am tired, but grateful. It's a little hard sometimes transitioning back and forth between perceived lack and perceived abundance. Ultimately, it's all His....

For me, it's like standing in the ocean. The more fiercely I stand against the direction of the flow of water, the more difficult it becomes to do it. When I relax into the motion that surrounds me, not only is it easier to stay standing, but there is a feeling of comfort that accompanies the waves.

I try to stand, upright and ready. But I must also stand with a yielding spirit. Where He leads, I must follow....

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