Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Power of Touch

I believe in the power of touch. I also believe that far too many are touch-deprived. I consider it a blessing that most of my jobs allow - or even REQUIRE - me to touch people. Everything that I have been called to do, requires my hands.

Touch has the ability to stir or settle emotion. It has the power to connect, to communicate, to heal. It also has the power to destroy. It must be used wisely. Appropriately. Well-timed. There are some who tolerate less touch than others. I must respect their preference.

The past 3 days have been filled with massage. I have (literally) touched more than 35 lives in the past 72 hours. I recognize it as a gift. I honor the trust that people put into my hands.

I remember being on the receiving end. I was in the process of my divorce: married, but separated. The only touch in my life was from my kids... and my massage therapist. He had an innate ability to 'hold the space', and allow my grieving, my insights...and he worked out the pain in my right shoulder from chronically handing stuff into the back seat to my kids.

Tomorrow, I go to work in my nursing world, and will touch more lives. "Heal with your hands," He said. Heal with my hands....

May I bring good-will, peace, hope and joy to those I touch at a time.

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