Sunday, January 25, 2009

When Asked to Speak...

I have been asked to speak at our 2:42 service Sunday Night. This is a time of fellowship, prayer and communion, based on Acts 2:42. I have been asked to share some of the joy of the presence of God in my life. Whoa... me?

Of course, I said yes. When I am asked to share about how my life has changed, and about how He has done that, I always say yes. So, I have to work... small detail.

I have no idea what I will say. I can barely even remember what she said to me when she asked me to share - aside from the fact that they know I will cry. Most likely, they are right. Those moments when I am overcome with the knowledge of how my life has changed - by the Grace of God - move me to tears.. of joy.

She suggested I speak of my blog - or my interpreting. The fact that nothing comes when I think of those things - though I KNOW they are a result of obedience, and have been a great blessing to me - they are not to be the focus of my talk.

So I wait.... and I wait... and I pray that I will know where to focus. My brain says "C'mon, Lord... only a few more days... I need to prepare....". My heart says "wait..." The Gentle Voice Within says "listen..." So I try to wait some more....

Then I get a glimpse. It is clear for a moment...but just a moment. THAT is the topic - the focus.... "OK... how about the words?" "wait..." "listen..." So I try to wait some more....

As I do - I play the music that we will be singing, and I will be signing. My heart skips a beat as I realize the words I just sang summarize the moment of clarity that I had just had.

"Trust Me." I will do my best (but I really DO hope I have a better idea of what I will say before I actually stand up there...)


Pam said...

So... how did it go? When I get asked or called, or compeled to speak (or fall off my chair) I always cry too. God is too real to me to not cry when I speak of all He has done. I join you in your tears.

Linda said...


That is EXACTLY it.... often, I tell of my divorce in the same setting, so people think I am crying because I am sad... which is so NOT it...

I cry because I am overwhelmed with the emotion and knowledge of all that has changed in my life (for GOOD), simply because of His presence in my life.

I cry when I think of how He touched my heart - cause I feel it again and again as I tell the stories...

Over and over,last night, after I spoke, as we sang, I "quietly" (meaning subtly) signed "thank You" - and realized, I could speak those words over and over until I leave this earth, and it still wouldn't come close to expressing my gratitude....