Saturday, October 23, 2010

The "Well Oiled Machine"...

I have been totally impressed with the Elementary School PTO and parent volunteers of late. We were referred to as a "well-oiled machine" by one of the moms, thinking of the view from outside the door that saw nearly 60 kids come in to paint pumpkins.

And then, I got to participate again with the group of parents setting up for the annual Fall Festival. It is the PTO's biggest fundraiser of the year! And watching the pieces fall together, as the last minute arrangements were made.

I helped set up concessions. It's where I've worked the past few years. The process has evolved and been improved as we go.

The same is true for the other areas: Games, auction, spirit wear.

It is wonderful to be a part of a group of parents who are so willing to be involved in their school. To see them work together, and watch the event bloom before our eyes.

I'm just bummed I won't be able to be there when it's "live".

I've got it covered in prayer, though.... it's the bit I can do from work...

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