Thursday, October 7, 2010

Stating the Obvious

I just love it how God brings the people to me that I most need. He has surrounded me with people - face to face and online. And sometimes, they just speak the truth - that which is clear and obvious to most, that doesn't quite register to me on any significant level.

But then, they speak it, and there is this "ah ha!" Today, it was my friend Susan from Lila's Journey. We've never met face to face, but her blog and her art (check them both out at her blog!) have a special place in my heart. Anyhow, today she simply left a comment: "You seem like you're in a busy, busy phase now...." and I was like "wow... yeah... I guess I am..."

And I mean, COME ON! I'm LIVING it..... and it's busy. Yes. But it didn't really *register* until she "spoke" those words. (Thank you, Susan!)

And, irony of ironies.... in the midst of this, I was asked about something that I thought was never going to come to fruition. Still don't know that it will - but know I have to pray about it, and thoroughly consider what it means in terms of my time, my family and where God is calling me.

But... that will lead me into my next post.... and how amused I am by the timing of these events.

We'll have to wait til tomorrow to hear.... This Busy Girl's gotta rest.

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