Saturday, October 30, 2010

ME? Seriously?

I will be heading on a mission trip to Ohio in a few weeks. As the days get closer, and it becomes more and more real, I find myself thinking:

"Uhm, ME? Are you KIDDING?"

We'll be going to a small, rural community with a couple of specific projects. I will be in the Deaf Ministry group. We plan to host a workshop, meet with some deaf people, and visit the Deaf School there.

"Uhm.... I don't even KNOW this language" (and I usually sign "clueless" as I think that...)

Everything has worked out well thus far - childcare, finances, work schedule.

"Uhm.... God I trust that you know what you are doing! This is so out of my comfort zone...."

Inhale..... Exhale....

Me? Seriously....?

Oh yeah....

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