Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall Break

Well, my kids have returned to me, and we are beginning the "break" part of our Fall Break. :)

We've had one hang around the house and get things done day - I didn't get much more than a load of laundry done in terms of routine duties, but I did have another window guy come (better offer, thank You very much!), and redeemed a "free tune up" for the heat/ac unit that a friend won (and then gave me) from a school fundraiser last fall.... (turns out I need some duct work completed first....)

But, there has been more sleep and more downtime with kids - which has been enjoyable. We hope to pet some kangaroos before our break is done.

Oh yeah.... and I've got to get to the sewing.... will post a picture when THAT project is done...

Thank You, God, for some down time...

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