Monday, August 9, 2010


Tonight is one of those nights when I don't seem to have the words to express the goings on inside. It is one of those nights when I am grateful for the Holy Spirit's intercession on my behalf.

What's going on isn't bad.... I feel very peaceful and satisfied. But, there is a stirring within that I don't have clarity on .... yet.

I know that God is working. I see him actively involved in my life and in the lives of others. I see hearts changing and unfolding. I see willingness. I see change and movement in positive directions.

A piece of the undercurrent is an anticipation to see these good things revealed and they come to fruition.... And the rest is unknown to me at the present time.

Years past, that would have driven me to try to control the events around me. But these days, I have learned to trust and believe that what He is working out is for good. I am learning patience and becoming comfortable being uncomfortable.

God is in charge and on the move. And until I have clarity and words of my own to speak, I believe and am grateful that there is One speaking and listening on my behalf.

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