Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Wonderful Week

Ah, what a wonderful week this is starting out to be!

I always take vacation from work during the first week of April. It's a beautiful time of the year, and it does my spirit well to spend it digging in the dirt!

The forecast looks like the weather will cooperate with my plan to spend every waking minute that I am not walking the dog out in the yard..... at least while the kids are in school, before my mom-taxi responsibilities kick in!

Gearing up for that, I have finalized my part of my tax return and delivered it to the CPA to work his magic on on it. I have also made a trip to the garden center to pick up some annuals and perennials to add some color! (That is tomorrow's project!)

And, of course, there is much, much weeding.... my quiet time with God.

Yippee and Hurrah!

I love spring!

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