Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Me Time

There is something to be said for some down-time.... some "me" time. For me, that's Monday nights, whether I need it or not (typically, I *do*!).

I am fortunate! When I found my house, little did I know there was a sitter who lived across the street. (Thank You God!) She and her sister have been fabulous! They love the kids, the kids love them.... and I get to grocery shop without children! It saves me a headache and a thousand "No. Put that back" 's, and probably saves me in groceries about what I pay them - and they're CERTAINLY cheaper than a therapist! :)

Traditionally, I have run to the store, and then to the Y for a yoga class, or church for a bible study. But, currently, I am not a Y member, nor is there a study going on. So it is literally, just that.... down-time. Free time. (ESPECIALLY this week, since I DID take the kids to the store, on Saturday.) "Co-incidentally", it's a week when I really need some down time and some prep time.

So, I sit quietly, gazing out over the field and the stand of trees that sit in front of our church building. There are birds singing, and the hum of the road nearby, but that's it. No, "MOM!", no demands or requests... just me and God.

I brought my laptop to catch up on a few things, and some nail polish to color my toes. There's a book in my bag, and Girl Scout incentives to sort in the back, if I *really* get bored.

But mostly, I just like being still. Quiet. Listening.

I am sure there is something for me to learn sitting here. If nothing else, that being still and quiet and counting my blessings will recharge my batteries for another week or so.

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