Thursday, April 23, 2009

First Blooms

We have been through "Redbud Winter" and "Dogwood Winter" - both new terms to me after nearly 15 years of living in the south. But, none-the-less, we've made it through.

I do believe that Spring has finally arrived.... in full force. AND... I noticed not too long ago. My lilacs are blooming this year. They haven't bloomed yet since I've lived in this house.

The transplanted iris have begun flowering and the clematis is full of buds. All around me life is bursting forth! Gardens are taking shape and I am thoroughly enjoying my time spent in the glory of springtime creation!

Another first bloom this year for us is the bridal wreath spirea. We were given two as wedding presents. They are planted at "the married house". When I left there, I pulled up a few sprigs to take with me. This year, the plant is thriving, and blooming beautifully!

Sometimes, it takes a while for things to bloom forth as they are intended to... I know I am like that, and I am much less patient than I ought to be.

I want to avoid the official winter and the cold snaps that hit from time to time. I get especially frustrated with the cold snaps that hit after the hope of spring has arrived.

But, I think we're through it now.... until we come full-circle again, of course!

Thank you God for life and new life. For new opportunities to bloom and witness new growth.

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