Saturday, December 25, 2010

Visions of Sugarplums

I'm sitting here, waiting for the kids to fall asleep....

I then need to hang my own stocking, secure the cat, and re-place the milk by the fireplace. The cookies are in place for Santa's visit.

My kids have worked every angle trying to see if we could open presents early - and if not that, could they at least SORT them before 7am. "uhm, no." They each have something to keep themselves occupied until the "reasonable hour".

We'll see if they - and then, by default, I - make it until then....

My son says "REALLY, I just want to wake up early to wish Baby Jesus a happy birthday!". Uh-huh. Good answer, though....

Me, I'm penciling in my nap early afternoon....

Merry, Merry Christmas!!

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