Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Different Christmas

It was a different Christmas. My kids had received many of their gifts before Christmas - from Grandma - and will receive another when my sister and some cousins arrive in a few weeks. There wasn't much under the tree because of that, and stockings, we found out, were filled with mostly socks and underwear - and a few little things beside them.

My son reportedly woke up in the wee moments before 4 am - but stuck to his training: "DO NOT WAKE MOM (before 7)". :)

The day started with me breaking a string on my daughter's new guitar, and spending 2 hours trying to activate my son's new phone. From there, I just pulled the covers over me on the couch and ended up falling asleep.

The afternoon was uneventful, and allowed for discussion of how blessed we truly are. We set ringtones and took pictures for wallpaper. We spent the day together as a family.

It was a good Christmas....

I'm grateful.

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