Wednesday, September 1, 2010

He Loves Me .... Very Much....

I found myself talking with God as I mowed the grass. I'd been grumbling to him for a while about this and that, the different responsibilities pulling me in different directions. As my next complaint surfaced, I paused.

I know it will bring a gift with it - I know this one is of Him, and He always has a gift ready when I choose to walk where He leads. But, it wasn't on my agenda of things I wanted to do. It's not even something I think I'd really LIKE to do.... but still He calls....

I have other things on my agenda that I'd like to see prioritized above some of the others, but they don't seem to happen (in my timing). "I'm ready Lord!" At least I think I am....

As I reached the edge of the driveway and began to turn the mower back into the grass to be cut, I thought again of KNOWING, with all my heart, there will be gifts in this (oh yeah, and it's the right thing to do).

I wonder how many times I decline or miss out on the gifts He has for me because He has called me somewhere I don't REALLY want to go..... and I hesitate, or completely miss the opportunity.

How many blessings will He send my way, and still I ask for one more thing that I have in mind?

And despite all that (and SO much more)....

He loves me....

very much.

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