If I said it once, I said it a hundred times last night: "I don't like change". This morning, my perspective has shifted a little.
I was reminded that I appreciate some change: the seasons, the times when discomfort eases, the way things grow.
The way people grow - perhaps even how I grow.
Often change brings uncertainty. Often there is a moment to grieve the loss of what has been - especially if it has been Joyful.
But if I look further than myself, there IS certainty. Spring will change into Summer, then fall, then winter, and finally, Spring again. Each is exciting and has aspects that I look forward to.
It doesn't always FEEL as certain in my own life. When I am being called into something new, or relationships change, it doesn't FEEL exciting. It feels sad. Or intimidating. Or unsure. And yet if I look back through the changes in my life, there IS certainty there as well.
I have never been called into something that wasn't for my good or for my growth. The latter often involves work, and requires me to pry my hands off of something I am holding more tightly than I should, or adopt a new way of thinking, or doing, or being. And that is hard work.
Walking through the process, while sometimes temporarily uncomfortable, has always delivered me to a better place. I have never been alone while moving forward. There have always been people shining the light to the path I'm to walk. Always people beside me. And always, ALWAYS God surrounding me.
Today, on my mat, I was encouraged to "Embrace change. Honor change."
So here I stand - at least for this one moment - with hands wide open. Bring the change, Lord. Show me where to step. Make the way clear. And if the change is with me - in me.... if the change IS me, make it so.
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