Sunday, January 31, 2010

Neighborhood Sledding Extravaganza

I love those spontaneous community events, where people just show up for a common cause. This "cause" was a day of fun involving our recent snowfall, and sleds of all sorts.

We joined the gathering with sleds left in the shed by the previous owners of our house. I'd tucked them away in case this day actually occurred.

We accumulated close to five inches of snow, which made the road that heads down the hill just near our house, perfect for sledding. Kids would start at the top, and the adults would give the younger children a push. They laughed. We laughed.

It was an incredible day of joy, laughter, frozen toes and hot chocolate. I watched them spin, slide backwards, "abandon sled!" and avoid obstacles. I was reminded of the winters of my youth....though we were not allowed to sled in the street. We might get hit by a plow or something. No plows here!

Thank you God for a beautiful, wonderful day of southern sledding!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Winter Wonderland

It is quite possibly the most snow I have seen in my15+ years of living in Tennessee. I haven't officially measured, but I'm guessing it's close to three inches, based on the looks of the table on my deck. It is undeniably beautiful!

It is undeniably unusual as well. It's snow. Pure snow. No rain, not sleet, no "wintery mix". I am very happy with it.

I look forward to some sledding time and snow angels and snow ball fights - it IS that kind of snow! :) Perhaps we will make a snow man.

It's reminiscent of my youth - except this time, I'm praying the electricity stays on.

Thank You, God for the beauty of this storm. Keep us safe and warm.

Friday, January 29, 2010


They are predicting snow.... and canceled school.

I am predicting a day to sleep in, sort through the piles that have accumulated during my stretch of working outside the home, and perhaps a snowball or two. We'll see. We bought boots, so it'll probably be nothing...

So long as we have electricity to keep us occupied... (if I don't appear on Saturday, you know what happened!)

And, Lord willing, my fridge could be delivered. I would be one very, very happy woman!

The "day to sleep in" is enough to make me a little giddy!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Soon.... but not yet....

I noticed today... the daffodils are beginning to pop their green heads out of the ground. I wish I had the opportunity to plant some more last fall... Daffodils and white tulips (doubles if I can find them!) But alas... I didn't.

Yet, the first signs of impending Spring are beginning to show. Little green leaf-tips of daffodils.

It reminds me to remember hope, to know that - even though it is not here yet - Spring will arrive and the cold of winter will soon be a memory.

There are several other things that I anticipate arriving soon... but not yet.

I will try to be patient and hopeful as I endure this waiting period.

To Spring and other good gifts that often arrive after a period of waiting!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Moment of Gratitude: My Job(s)

It wasn't too long ago that my perspective of what my "role" in the world is changed. Up until then, I considered myself a "Stay-at-Home Mom".

It had been a busy week, and I totaled my out-of-the-house work hours. I realized then that really, I am a "Working Mom". And, if you combine the hours between Trauma, teaching, massage and yoga, sometimes more full-time than part-time.

The gift and the blessing is that I am able to schedule my working hours while my kids are at school and with their dad. I am fortunate to be able to be as involved in my kids school as I am. I know that that is not true for everyone.

Opportunities continue to present themselves. I must remember to bring each before God before I jump in.

I thank You for providing for me in this way. I am grateful for the opportunities and the gifts.

Great is Thy Faithfulness, Lord Unto Me....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Great is Thy Faithfulness.... Yet Again....

I continue to be amazed. Absolutely 100% amazed.

As I stand in awe and watch, I can hardly believe it. I try to look back and review the past several years. Have they been years of famine? Sure, some have felt like it! There have been moments when I was sure that it was only the grace of God that got me by. No other timing could have been so serendipitous or well choreographed.

And now, as I watch opportunity after opportunity, blessing after blessing come my way, 2010 has the appearance of a year of plenty. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, God!

May I always remember that all I have is a gift from You.

Keep me humble. Help me to live and choose wisely.

Monday, January 25, 2010

And now... it's time to rest....

I look forward to saying that ... "it's time to rest..."

I have a few more days....and then I shall...

For now, I'm cutting a little slack.

I wish you peace and an opportunity to rest as this week begins!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

"It's Complicated"

Friday evening, I spent with a long-time friend. We went to see the movie "It's Complicated". When the previews first began circulating, we promised each other we would see it together.

Our friendship has been witness to my marriage and both of our divorces. We've walked through the valleys and stood on the mountain tops together. We thought it would be apropos to see this movie together.

We laughed and laughed and commented from time to time. "Been there...." "OMG. SERIOUSLY?"

It was poignant and funny, and hopeful in a different sort of way. And I just loved it.

Rarely to I walk out of the theater knowing that I will add the movie to my collection, but this one....


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Be Gentle with Your Self...

The evening has been spent chatting with friends.... at one point, I said to one "be gentle with yourself"....

Such a good reminder.

I used to be very hard on myself. I expected more than I should have, and didn't allow myself the fallibility of my humanity. Pushed myself when I should have allowed myself to rest, and spoke harshly when a gentle tone was in order.

"Be gentle with your Self" - over and over I heard those words. One day, I asked for clarity. "What exactly do you mean by that?"

Allow yourself time - to eat, to play, to rest, to breathe (deeply!), to be.
Allow yourself the opportunity to discover who you are.
Forgive the mistakes, embrace the imperfections.
Realize it's OK not to know all the answers - one day you might, some you never will.
Allow yourself the freedom to decide - what is in your best interests, what is not.
Give yourself the chance to listen for God's whispers.
Turn off the "old tapes" that run incessantly in your head.
Create new tapes that encourage and build up, rather than tearing down.
Realize that you don't have to make a decision TODAY.
Believe that it is OK to change your mind.
Know that you are here for a reason, that you are a child of God, and that alone is enough.

You don't have to prove yourself.

He already knows.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Thinking Back....

It started with the Facebook "post an retro picture" week. I knew EXACTLY which picture I needed to post. It's a nice picture... but it's so "not me".

I found it - while looking in my closet for my Myers-Briggs results - and posted it to Facebook. There are a few folks on there who knew me during those years. They were my long-haired North Carolina years. My EMS years. My searching, but not quite finding years. I do have some very good memories from that time, and some days I would never choose to relive.

I had the picture made at Glamour Shots. (pfft - another "NOT ME"!) I let them tease my hair and paint my face, but drew the line at that. They could keep their boas and crazy clothes and props.... I felt ridiculous enough as it was! But it was a gift, so I did my best to endure it.

When it was done, I returned to jeans, boots and ponytails. Much more my style.

It's fun to look back sometimes, remember where I've been. I'm grateful that I am not "not quite finding" anymore. And I am grateful to be comfortable in my own skin.

Thank You God for that....

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Right Place, Right Time....

Sometimes, it just happens, there is a need and I happen to be there. I am grateful for that opportunity, but sometimes it's difficult if I stop to think through it too long.

I'm grateful to be able to splint my son's friend's broken arm... though I wish I didn't have to.

I'm grateful to have the time to sit and listen to a friend as her world is turned upside down... though I wish she weren't going through it.

I'm grateful to be able to lend a hand, and ear, a heart, a prayer. It seems like such a small bit of what has been given to me in my times of need.

Perhaps next time I am on the receiving end, I will remember how grateful I feel to have been able to be there when there was a need.

It's a dance, really... back and forth. Giving, receiving.

It's balance and harmony.

It is as it should be.

Help me to remember when it is my turn to receive....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Listening for God's Plan.

It amazes me, His timing.....

It amazes me, that what I wrote less than 24 hours ago, not thinking of myself, now specifically applies... (and was quoted back to me!)

Transition. Crossroads. Which path shall I take, Lord.

That is where I am, now. In the quiet, sit-down-and-talk-about-the-situation-and-ask-where-He would have me place.

Staying. Leaving. Both have pros and cons judged through the world's eyes.

But those aren't the eyes I wish to see through to make my decision. I wish to know His plan for me.

So, I pray, and I listen and wait to know His will before I rush off down the wrong road.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Times of Transition...

I see so many people these days in transition. I know of several between jobs. Others are scaling back here and there for a variety of reasons. Still others are making decisions to change aspects of their lives, to improve their health - mental, physical, spiritual.

I am not excluded from many of those groups. But, I am thinking more about those for whom the changes are unexpected.

As I hear them talk, I get that feeling deep inside. I get still and quiet, and excited all at the same time. I just know that being invited into their situation - even from the very periphery, in a "non-active", but praying position - I will soon see God's hand in action.

I am reminded then of the changes that have occurred in my life, and how mightily He worked through those.

I can't say that I would willingly "sign up" for a life-changing experience or two, but having been there and walked through the other side, I am grateful for them.

I can't imagine how my life would be without them.

Thank You, God.

Be with us. Help us to see You.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Inscribe These Words on Your Heart.....

During my small group meeting at church, one of the women mentioned inscribing the words of the Bible on our hearts. She mentioned it in regards of being able to "find" them when we needed them, whether we had the book itself, or not.

As have read and studied and listened more, I am finding more and more verses, stories and concepts are migrating to my heart.

Some are tagged with book, chapter and verse, and others are just free-floating. None-the-less, they are there.

I walked away from there knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is with me. His presence, His Word.

The world can take what it will, but it cannot take what is inscribed on my heart.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Trying Something New...

I am very independent..... to a fault, actually.

From time to time, I have been reminded that just because I CAN do something, doesn't mean that I should.... or that I should do it alone.

So I am trying something new.

Instead of trying to carry the Christmas tree in it's box out to my shed, I have decided to ask for help.

Amazing, actually...

Perhaps I can learn to do things a little differently....

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Blessed Beyond My Wildest Imaginings

I don't know exactly when that phrase first appeared in my life. It was sometime in the midst of my divorce and the deepening of my connection with God. I know that someone had said we are "blessed".

The next words out of my mouth were ".... beyond my wildest imaginings." It stuck.

As time went on I realized exactly how true the words have turned out to be. I find myself in a situation - "good" or "bad" - and take a look around, and realize: no matter what the situation, where I am is infinitely better than I would conceive I would be if I were in charge.

When I struggle, there is grace beyond what I would expect. When life is good, the same is true.

When I can't seem to find it, I realize I am not looking outward, but inward. I am focused on my struggle, the temporal situation and my pain. When I lift my head and look beyond the very moment that I am in, it's right there.

Always right there: The grace, the blessings.... beyond my wildest imaginings!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thank You, God!

Today, I just want to take a moment to say "Thank You, God!" for the way Thursday fell into place.

Thursdays are my busy days... and it was non-stop dawn to dusk. I'd leave the house and come home only after I'd been to a prayer meeting, the elementary school, driven carpool, transported my daughter to gymnastics, and my son to Karate.

And yet... despite allllll the little places where it could have unraveled. It was a wonderful day. Calm. Peaceful. Joyful. Productive.

Thank You God, for redeeming the time, and for helping me to remember all the things I needed to pack into the car when I left that morning.

I could not do it without You.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sitting and Watching

I am being given an opportunity to sit and watch God in action, in my life, and in the lives of others.

I love being aware of it. Love taking a moment to see the things going on and identifying the "God things" as they come up. Here. Here. Here. There. There.

They are everywhere!

Even and especially in the midst of trials and struggles, He is there. Loving us through it and working it for good.

Thank you God, for your active presence in my life.

I am grateful beyond words.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Learning Through Other's Words

I was talking with someone not long ago, and one of the things she said was that she steps back, rather than letting people get to know her too well. Later that evening, as I was in reflection mode, I thought, "Don't you feel like you're missing out on the connection of being IN relationship with others?"

That thought came back to me several times over the next few days until one day, the question got turned back to ME. The gentle voice within spoke - "Don't YOU?"

"Oooh... Uhm... Well.... no?" (I think...)

I did my quick little internal analysis: "My friends know me - REALLY know me." "There are several people I could share anything with - and have." "I am generally pretty transparent."

The searching was stopped there....

"oh..... You mean 'dating'....."

The whole new list started rattling off: "My kids are young." "I don't have time." "I've got enough on my plate." "I'm not lonely".... (and of course, the unspoken one.... the one that my friend and I share - "I don't want to be hurt again....(so I won't let you get close enough that you might) "

I sighed, turned out the light. . . and prayed. . .

"Prepare my heart.
Show me Your will
Help me to live it."

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

An Oldie but Goodie - and yes, it's "that time" again!

Enjoy the re-telling: Originally published Saturday September 13, 2008:

It's Girl Scout Cookie Time!!!

Well, no, not really. Cookies come in the spring. But my daughter just signed up for Brownies, so we've been doing some reminiscing. I pulled out my old Girl Scout vest and we looked at my badges and my star pins (which she liked best). She put on my old beanie and gave me an ear to ear grin. It begins.

It's changed a lot in the years since I was a scout. The thing I notice most - since I've not actively been involved in scouting - thus far! - is how cookies are sold. In my day (and yes, I know I'm dating myself here - I'm OK with that!), we sold cookies door to door... and they were a dollar a box! One year, I had sold the most in my district - 265 boxes (or something equally ridiculous). And that wasn't mom or dad taking the order form to the office, it was DOOR TO DOOR. The reality of that designation hit me when I was loading up yet another wagon full to deliver them... door to door. (I vowed never to seek that honor again!)

These days, they set up outside of Wal*mart or the grocery store. Several girls and their leader or adult volunteer. For the past several years, I've developed my own Girl Scout cookie tradition (that my sister has encouraged me to share here!). I love the cookies and I believe in scouting. But, my problem: I love the cookies. It wouldn't matter how many boxes I bought, I'd eat them all - without an opportunity to teach my kids about sharing. So, I've gone about it in a little different way.

When I see them set up outside the store, I now grin ear to ear in anticipation. I enjoy that feeling while I do my shopping. On my way out, I stop at the table.

"Would you like to buy some cookies?" they ask. I ask how much they cost, and quickly count the number of girls at the table. I then ask each girl in turn what their favorite flavor is. "Thin mints", "Tagalongs", "Samoas". I tell them I'll take one of each. They stack them up and tell me how much I owe - now significantly more than a dollar a box! Change in hand, I pick up the stack of boxes and hand each box to the girl who expressed it as her favorite. "Enjoy!" I say as I walk away.

It's interesting to hear what happens next - and honestly, I wish I could be a fly on the wall to truly witness it with my eyes, but I'm walking away, so I have to trust my ears. At first they are baffled. "for me?" the silence says. I can only imagine they look at each other and then the shrieking begins or the laughter, and the "THANK YOU!!"s. "You're welcome", I call back.

I am able to donate to a worthy cause, demonstrate random acts of kindness, and I save myself THOUSANDS of calories. That is a definite win-win situation!

I'll repost this in the spring, when it IS Girl Scout Cookie time, with a challenge to make a Girl Scout's day!


I've got a connection, if you need some :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tennessee Paradox

It has been interesting the past few mornings, driving to work. Looking out my kitchen window, the roads are still snowy white. Yet, as I pull out of my subdivision, onto the main road through town, and onto the interstate, they are very different. They are clear. Dry even.

When I first ventured out of my driveway, I was grateful for the training I'd received from my mother. The first snowfall after I had my license, we headed out early. My mother drove us to the local grocery store and parked the car.

We were the only ones there. The store was closed and the parking lot had not yet been plowed, so it was covered in a blanket of snow.

We traded seats and she began instructing. "Head that direction. Faster. STOP!" I pressed my foot hard on the brake, and the car began to slide and spin. From there I learned to steer into the skid, to handle the brakes more delicately. I learned that there is more traction accelerating than stopping, so I should slow down BEFORE my turn, so I can gently accelerate as I make it. I learned how to test the roads peridically for traction. (My education of "black ice" came once I hit the south!)

So, as I pulled out that first time and tested the roads, I gave my kids a quick lesson on traction. One politely said "ok" and the other "that's weird", and we were off.

Once we hit the main roads, I laughed at the Tennessee Paradox. The difference in the road conditions less than 1/2 a mile from each other was amazing. As is the difference in the way the North and the South handle a little snowfall.

Yet, I have adopted the Southern caution. Not only does a little sunshine on a freezing day turn a snowy road into a sheet of black ice more readily here than there, but not everyone was fortunate enough to have such wonderful winter driving training. Thanks Mom!

And thank You, God, for keeping me safe these past few days....

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Birthday!!

Today is my little sister's birthday.
(a "big" one, even!)

A few years back, when I had my "big" one, she painted this picture of my kids for me. (It's from a picture I took the previous summer in our new backyard.) I opened it at the post office.... and wept.

We didn't always see eye to eye growing up, but have grown into friends as adults. My kids and I always look forward to our annual visits to Massachusetts and Maine, when we stay in her home, visit her cabin and enjoy her family.

I admire her hard work, her determination and her ability to confront difficult issues. She is a talented artist, and has an innate knack for making things beautiful. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching her bring to life the visions she has for her home, her little backyard and her "big backyard".

Her creativity-in-action and her mothering inspire me and encourage me to strive to higher standards.

I have failed to commemorate this birthday of hers in a timely manner. I hope she knows how much she is loved.

Thank you, God for my sister.....

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Crunch of the Snow....

I had an opportunity - it actually kind of grabbed me and said "C'mon!" - so I grabbed a hoodie (to put under my jacket), my gloves and the dog's leash and we headed out the door.

Talk about a mixture of thoughts, feelings and voices all swirling around competing for utmost attention:

"It's not so bad out here!"

"are you CRAZY - my thighs are FREEZING!"

"Should have worn the long-johns"

Soon enough, the conversation dimmed and "crunch, crunch, crunch" of the snow underfoot captured my attention. My thighs had either frozen or adapted, and were no longer complaining.

I still carried on nearly continuous prayer for sure footing. The roads were still covered with snow, some of the tire tracks had frozen beneath the pressure of the vehicles, which made the hills especially a little challenging.

I joked briefly to myself about harnessing the dog and donning skis. It certainly would have been an adventure, but the dog has no brakes and no steering and LOTS of energy and curiosity. I elected to play it safe.

Arriving home, I took a moment to kick the snow off the soles of my boots and wondered why I hadn't taken the opportunity to walk while my mother was visiting.

Thank you God for breaking the cycle of cabin fever! Thank you for the beauty of the world around me, and for my New England upbringing. Help me not forget the skill set that was developed during those years. Continue to teach and lead. Forgive me when I do not follow right away... I will learn.... one day.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Day 2010

As anticipated, we were out of school Thursday - and now Friday as well.

My New England friends tease me unmercifully - which I understand, on one hand. On the other hand, I remember how differently equipped they are up in the North for the likes of this.

Really, there wasn't much snow, but it was ill-timed for school buses and has been SOOOO cold here that it didn't melt on contact - nor will it in the next day or so, by my estimations.

My kids had a blast. They dressed themselves and headed out. I leashed the dog and joined them for a picture or two. A few times I thought to myself how little they truly "get" SNOW. Yes, they know what it is, but have never experienced more than an inch or so of it. They've never had snowbanks to tunnel through, or enough snow to consider building an igloo. A snowball or two and a small snowman if they were lucky, but *real* snow.... never.

It was pretty and all, and I was grateful to have a day "off", but it kinda muddles up plans for Friday. Apparantly, God has other plans. (I just hope it will be gone by Monday.)

Yet, it was while I was making supper that it tugged at my heart strings. As I glanced out over the frozen road through the window above my sink, I was reminded of a similar road. I was reminded of a very, very peaceful time in high school.

My senior year, I would run to school in the mornings. The lighting of the sun set reminded me of my sunrise runs. The mornings when there was fresh snow on the ground, were my favorite. Everything was quiet and still. Often the moon would still be visible in the sky, and the snowbanks would twinkle in it's light. My sneakers would squeak and crunch as each step brought me the half-mile closer to the school building.

It was peaceful and joyful, and most definitely God-filled.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Extended Break...

I'm thrilled as I sit here.

Thursday had been billed as a busy day. Now, it has become another day of winter break.

They say we'll have snow - an inch or two. We'll see what shows up when all is said and done.

Yes, I'm ready for the kids to go back to school, but I could use a smoother transition back into the routine. Hopefully, I will get that on Friday, but I expect we'll be out again.

But, we'll see....

It's how it is sometimes here in the South. A little snow topples the schedule.

Today, I am grateful!

Thank You God!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


It's funny. This thing called perspective.

I grew up in New England. The weather we are having here now, would be described as typical of my childhood - if of course you added a foot or two of snow....

But, I have become accustomed to the warmer winters of the south. Yes, it gets cold (occasionally) and yes it snows (from time to time), but this below-freezing-for-days stuff makes me just want to hibernate. I stay inside, sit by the fire and realize how "softened" I have become. (my friends who are still in the North call me a "wimp".) Whatever. I'm good with that.

I'm also good with daffodils in February....which, by the way, gives me hope that this will end soon.

But, I wonder... how did I ever survive up there...? Yes, of course I had boots, heavy gloves and a (real) winter coat. These days, if I need more than a hoodie, I'd just as soon stay in. And, I had snow.... and "thicker" blood...

Yes, I can walk my children out to the carpool barefoot in winter (our typical winter, that is), and I let the dog out on the snow covered deck the same way, so I haven't TOTALLY given up my upbringing.

But this... this is different. This is C-O-L-D. And it has stayed. *sigh*

And yes, I am counting my blessings that I will be able to cover my increased electric bill, and that I have a gas fireplace should we ever be electricity-free. I am also being reminded of how nice our typical winters are here in TN. I could still be in New England - shoveling snow fall after snow fall...

I am so grateful to be here.... Thank You God....

(though I am sure I would have enjoyed Vermont as well....)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Break, Finally....

I keep hearing about this thing called "Winter Break", and FINALLY, I have gotten to experience it.

I love the "no alarm clock" days, especially now that my kids are trained not to wake me - ".... except if there is a fire or a tornado or something like that, right, Mommy?"

Yet, I also have sung aloud a line from one of the songs I tired of during December. The first time, was when my daughter was whining at the table during breakfast. I looked my mother square in the eye and sang ".... and Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again!". My mother laughed. My daughter was appalled!

And so it is, winter break. Time with family, with flexible schedules. And some cold, cold weather.

I understand it helps keep our springs and summers bug-free (NOT!), but I'm ready for some "seasonal" weather.... not the arctic front we've been having lately.

I'm sure there is a plan that I totally don't understand, so I will lay off the whining and complaining.

Two more "no alarm clock" days in my future and then the routine starts again.... UNLESS of course we get that snow that is predicted.

I laugh at the thought of it, but it is what it is, and Thursday is not critical. Bring it, if it's Your will.... bring it!

Monday, January 4, 2010


It just keeps running through my head: "Hallelujah! God is with us!"

It started with a song this morning at church, and has carried me through all day.

Certainly, if *I* were writing the script, it would run a little differently. For one thing, it would be JUST A TOUCH warmer here in Middle Tennessee. (I left New England for a reason!). But, fortunately for all of us, I am not.

And despite it all - highs, lows, FREEZING cold days - God is with us. Amen!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Poco a Poco...

Little by little. Bit by bit. Piece by piece. Step by step.

I have to remind myself sometimes. I know where I want to be - with my house, my kids, my self, my relationship with God. And I know where I am: Not there.

So I remind myself -"poco a poco". One day I'll get there. So long as I keep working in that direction. Some days I actually take a step forward. Other days standing in place is progress.

Patience, progress and determination. Keeping my eyes focused on Him, I will get there.

(and perhaps, none of the rest will matter....)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Starting the Year Right

New Year's Day morning was perfect. Absolutely perfect!

We shut our eyes shortly after we watched The Ball drop in Time Square (and hour delayed for those of us in the Central Time Zone). I tossed a little in the earlier morning, but wouldn't consider myself "awake" until about 10 am. (A good thing, as I worked the night of the 1st).

My kids, too, began stirring at that time. I could hear them puttering around, talking quietly to each other. They played a game or two, as I eavesdropped on the conversation from the warmth of my bed.

Around 10:30, my boy wandered into my bedroom to fetch the cat for his sister. He also looked searchingly into my face. He smiled when he saw my open eyes. "hi..." I said.

He ran in and hugged me, then crawled in to snuggle for a while. We chatted about New Year's Eve and how big a help he had been to his sister that morning. We told each other how grateful we were that God had chosen the other to be our mom/boy. We said "I love you"s and "Happy New Year!"s and giggled and grinned.

Not long after, his sister joined us. Then the cat.

It was a wonderful way to start the day and the year.

Thank You, God!

Friday, January 1, 2010

....In With The New....

A New Year begins....

Typically, we choose resolutions to begin the year, though I learned an important lesson last year. I had made several resolutions last year.... to lose weight, be a better mom, get more exercise, make healthy lifestyle changes..... You know... that kind of stuff.

What I realized is that all of them tied to one thing: Getting adequate rest. When I am more rested, I AM a better mom, I have the energy to exercise and the patience to make healthy choices.

I also learned that each DAY is new, and that living with my eyes and heart focused on HIM is really what I need each day. Everything else is secondary.... even the "being a better mom" part.

So, that is where I intend to set my focus in 2010. On Him.

May I stay focused and rested...

Happy New Year... may you realize how blessed you are!